Buy Trenbolin, PRICE PER VIAL!
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Trenbolone enanthate Package: 10ml vial (250mg/ml)
course of Trenbolin (vial),
Trenbolin (vial), Trenbolone enanthate
Trenbolin (vial) (Trenbolone enanthate) is one of the most powerful steroids used in sports practice for the rapid increase in strength and build-up of muscle mass. For the trenbolone is characterized by a long period of action, which lasts about two weeks. Due to this characteristic, injections with trenbolone should be done no more than twice a week.
Properties of trenbolone enanthate
Trenbolone enanthate is a modification of the anabolic and androgenic nandrolone with the addition of enanthate. Its wide application in sports chemical muscle is connected with the influence of the means on a quick set of muscle mass, the growth of indicators of physical strength and endurance, the development of the physical form of the athlete as a whole.
Initially, trenbolone was used in veterinary medicine. With his help increased the appetite of livestock, strengthened his body and increased the working capacity and endurance of animals. Today, various versions of the drug are actively used in sports practice and for medical purposes.
With the right and moderate use of trenbolone, it has a positive effect on the male body. The drug contributes to:
- increase in the level of IGF up to 200%;
- increased fat burning;
- rapid build-up of muscle volume;
- increase in power indicators;
- decrease in the level of the catabolic hormone cortisol;
- increase in the number of amino acids in muscle cells due to accelerated protein metabolism;
- rapid recovery of the body after training;
- strengthening libido.
Trenbolin (vial) has a powerful effect even in comparison with other strong analogues. Its anabolic activity is four times that of endogenous testosterone. High and androgenic activity is 200% of testosterone. The drug retains its effectiveness for more than a week, which exceeds the action of trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate. The period of maximum retention of activity is up to 10-14 days from the time of use.
Within six weeks of admission, physical strength increases by 20-25% and an increase in dry muscle mass by 5-8 kg. The effectiveness of the trenbolone is now tested by thousands of athletes who give a generally positive evaluation of the drug.
Can trenbolone enanthate harm the body? This steroid does not have high estrogenic activity and is not susceptible to aromatization. But since it is intrinsic to progestogen activity, when receiving it is possible the appearance of signs of gynecomastia. Use of the drug does not lead to fluid retention. For Trenbolone enenthate is also not characteristic of pronounced hepatotoxicity.
The course of Trenbolin (vial)
This drug is deservedly popular and is widely used for solving various problems in power sports. Athletes use it both solo and in combination with other steroid drugs. This allows you to achieve optimal results at the end of the course of admission.
The recommended dosage for men is about 100-300 mg per week. Frequency of injections during one course – once or twice a week. This periodicity of reception takes into account the period of activity of steroids. Injections take approximately 6-8 weeks.
The recommended dosage is highly undesirable because an uncontrolled dose increases the risk of side effects. In order to minimize the risks of negative consequences, simultaneous administration of the drug proviron or its analogues is recommended. Positive action is exerted by gonadotropin, tamoxifen, which increases the level of testosterone and has an antiestrogenic effect.
The course of reception trenobolona more often carried out in combination with anabolic and antiestrogenic drugs than solo. The drug is well combined Trenbolin (vial) with other steroids. Choosing a combination of drugs, take into account the tasks, the experience of the previous application and financial costs.
The reception of trenbolone in combination with sustanon promotes the effective build-up of muscle mass and physical strength. The most optimal dosage is 100-300 mg of trenbolone and 250-500 mg of sustanone per week.
Where to buy trenbolone enanthate
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