Buy Cut Stack, PRICE IS PER VAL!
Manufacturer: BodyPharm, Japan
Substances: Testosterone Propionate,
Drostanolone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate
Package: 10 mL vial (275 mg/mL)
Cut Stack by BodyPharm: Effects, Dosages
Cut Stack is an injectable anabolic steroid released by BodyPharm and containing as active substances: Drostanolone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate and Testosterone Propionate. This steroid mix represents a powerful anabolic and androgenic compound used by bodybuilders as a bulking and cutting agent. Cut Stack also has the ability to combat typical estrogenic side effects. Cut Stack is used by bodybuilders that want to achieve the effects of that hard muscular appearance. This combination is used to build-up muscle mass and strength in a short amount of time. Other properties of Cut Stack are: increase of proteins, nitrogen retention, avoidance of the emission of glucocorticoid steroids, increase of the red blood cells.
The active life of Cut Stack is about 2-3 days. Due to its strong virilization effects it is not recommended for women. The drug has a medium aromatization rate; it does not retain water and does not cause estrogenic side-effects. In order to achieve greater result the average dose of Cut Stack for men is 275 – 450 mg per day.Cut Stack may cause the following side effects: acne, nausea, oily skin, hair loss, increased aggression. In general the compound is quite mild on side effects if not used in exaggerated doses.
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